Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Now as many of you know I surf the web . There are so many strange and wonderfull things out there I some times wonder how I get time to write this blog or get on with things but I do. the latest is http://theindex.puma.com/ now this puts a whole new slant on the stock market. Don't get eye strain watching.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

I have found a new job, if only I can find a wrap a round pinny .

Saturday, 19 September 2009


Now I am not a prude. So having said that I was some what surprised to find this strange outfit at this years Glastonbury Harvest Show. large marrows, long strangely curved cucumber's, carrots of hue and growth one could only marvel at, courgettes like large bananas. but a bodice piece. It must have been fashioned for a model in this years London Fashion Show as it was a C cup top, well I deduced that as they were cabbage leaves.

This was the third show and this year it's starting to get that nice town feel. They asked me to judge a "A bottle to lift the spirits"!. Well I do have a slight bit of experience in that field. The best was a Hedgerow Port. I assume that it was made from hedgerow fruits, though a few glasses of it and I would be flat out under a hedgerow.

C suggested I made a loaf but I pointed out the floor of the Town Hall would have to be strengthen to take one of my loafs, even the sparrows have turned down my baked offerings. Ah well back to the kitchen.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Well we have returned from Cornwall. I am not saying it was cold but the picture of C. having lunch give you an idea of what the first part of the holiday was like. The Hotel was excellent and the view from our balcony when the sun finally came out was just like the south of France, not that I have ever been to the south of France but guess that's what it looks like. I did miss Jennet MacDonald singing beyond the blue horizon shines a brighter day, she may have found it we had to wait until the last few days.

Of course the tooth played up and the filling poped out and down the gullet , result tooth ache until I could get to see a local man. He refilled it but blow me that fell out so today it was head back and mouth open at my usual dentist. I do not know if you have ever had to have your head back and mouth open for 40 mins. let me tell you you get a real jaw ache and no fun.